HAM Radio

The website for radio amateurs. Hosted by Dotradio.
Get Your .Radio Domain

Connect with other Amateurs 

HAM.radio was created with the goal to set up a platform for radio amateurs. On this website, the amateur radio world can have a place to learn, while also sharing knowledge and experience with others. It’s also a great way to find useful resources, tips and tricks, and cool services for amateur radios. This is a great way to find solutions for the challenges you face while also having a lot of fun!

With this website, the amateur radio world can finally gather in one place and share their love for radio. What better way to communicate, share, and speak with people.

On HAM.radio, you can give a new step to your passion, help us build the HAM official website: “HAM radio”!

Help us build the HAM.radio platform!

As we want this Platform to be interactive between us for your benefit, you are welcome to add your stone to the building!
Join the administrator’s team to help this amateur radio portal grow!
Share your ideas in a private forum, create your own blog posts, submit your ideas to improve the website, and share your tips and tricks with others.
computer and plateforms
Would like to offer services on this platform, please contact us!

Featuring some HAM websites

wa4emn radio

Wa4emn Radio

This is one amateur radio that uses .radio as its domain name. The website is dedicated to a person that loves radio, and operates their radio station as a hobby.

g7lfc amateur radio

g7lfc Radio

Another HAM radio that uses .radio domain. The radio is located in uk and give a lot of information about technology and amateur radios.

HB9HLI radio

hb9hli Radio

This one is a french amateur radio that talks about amateur radio and linux operating system. A lot of info to find on it.

The information sources that can be interesting for you

We regrouped all the sources that can be interesting for you to develop your amateur radio.

  • Linkedin Group
  • Profile pages
  • Articles
  • Tips and tricks
  • Blogs
  • And a lot of content

Feel free to check out our services page to see all our tools that can be used to help you with your amateur radio and your radio website!

dotraido help

Connect with other Amateurs 

On HAM.radio, the first thing you can do is register a .radio domain for your radio. This way, you can immediately have a website to promote your radio activities and allow others to discover it. If you are an individual, your domain will be YourCallsign.radio