Get Your Domain Name

In just a few clicks get a dotradio domain for your radio.
Get Your .Radio Domain

Domain name 

The very first thing you need to create a website is a hosting provider and a domain name. Not all hosting providers offer a domain name; if you want a .radio domain name (like, you will need either a hosting provider that can prove you with .radio or you’ll have to buy your domain name from a .radio provider. This would require you to also purchase your hosting.

You have different options:

Get your domain name

You can get your domain name from any domain name provider; click the button below to have access to the whole list of providers that have a .radio domain.

Get your hosting

You can get a hosting plan on different hosting platforms; there are many. We recommend choosing the most famous ones in your country, such as OVH, Bluehost, WP engine, etc. Here is a non-exhaustive list of hosting providers in the world.

Get dotradio domain

If you want to make sure you get a dotradio domain name, you can purchase it directly on the dotradio website. This will also give you access to many free features like a profile page, link shortener, email .radio, etc.
If you choose option 2, make sure the provider can get you the .radio domain. If not, we recommend you get the dotradio domain on

.radio domain name 

If you have a radio with a call sign, you can get online in just a few clicks today using dotradio. Register your domain name here. Your website address will look like this: If you don’t have a website yet, or if you don’t have the skills to make one, you can get a profile page for free.

Look below to see what the profile page looks like.

profile page dotradio

Once you have your domain name and profile page, you just have to customize it. Add some links and your radio is already online!

Later on, if you want to have a better website, you can do it as well.

If you check below, you will find a few of our providers. You can also check our blog,  where we give you all the radio website builders that can help you have a real website with minimal effort.

Getting a website for your amateur radio is not as hard as it looks!

How to create your website 

First of all, you will need to get a domain name. If you want a .radio domain name, you can register using or simply click the button below.

Then, you will need to have a website to be associated with the domain. Don’t worry if you don’t have one, we can provide you with a free profile page; if you register through, it will be included in the purchase of your domain. You can see how the profile pages work here.

If you want to build your own website, you can do so using any option you like, like a different website builder or a CMS for example.


the most used CMS on internet

radio king logo


build your webradio with tamplates made for it.

Learn More

If you have any questions or if you want to learn more about getting your domain, you can visit; please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our private facebook group is also at your disposal. This is where we gather all .radio users; here you can connect to the forum so that all .radio users can speak together.


Below, you can find our different partners that we work with. They are great because they help the radio world and offer helpful solutions for radio amateurs that want to get on the web.  

The list is waiting to be filled! If you want to work with us or one of our partners, feel free to contact us.

radio king logo
logo dotradio partner

Don’t hesitate to contact us, or them, if you have any questions You can also check the forum to see what other radio amateurs are talking about, as well as some questions and answers.

Of course if you are already ready to get started, you can get a domain name and a hosting plan so that you can publish your radio amateur website.

Then, come back here to give us the link so we can add you to the list of amateur radio websites that gather here!